Are you thinking of leaving California?


Our new proprietary system will help you transition seamlessly to another state!

Welcome to CAExitPlan - Your go-to resource for selling your California home and moving to a new area or state! We figured it out so you don’t have to. With the rising cost of living, soaring insurance expenses, and complex political climate in California, many are seeking affordable and stable alternatives elsewhere. We have helped hundreds of families make the move.

We offer expert advice, market insights, and provide you with a trusted network of agents and brokers in every city in every state ready to help you with your move. We not only represent you with the sale of your home in CA but we carefully interview and help you choose the perfect qualified Broker near your new destination and we keep them accountable. Make your move today and escape the challenges and financial burden of living in California.

Don’t trust what Zillow or Redfin currently says your home is worth. Their computer generated valuation may not be accurate. Obtain a plan from a trusted professional like Brenden Merwin with over 15 yrs of FULL TIME real estate experience. If you’re considering a move in the next 12 months reach out to us below. A decision like this cannot be taken lightly. Having a professional on your team with experience in developing a plan is crucial and incredibly important.

We respect your privacy and will NOT share your information with ANYONE!